Remington Town Council Meeting
Time: 6:30 p.m.
Place: Remington Depot/16 E. South Railroad Street/Remington, Indiana 47977
Members Present
Susan Flickner; President, Dana Pampel; Vice President, James Stewart, Robert Braaksma, Alan Schambach
Others Present
Mark Jones, Mike Martin, John Schuetzenhofer, Joshua Longest, Jason Armold, Sandy Miller, James Dreblow, Noah Oilar, Brandon Culp, Sammy Bunjan, Raelyn Scott, Anthony Kendall, Rebecca Goddard, Jonathan Cripe, and Terri Budde.
President Flickner opened the meeting with the reciting of the Pledge of Allegiance at 6:32 p.m.
Council President Flickner addressed the Tri-County Seniors in attendance and welcomed them to the meeting.
Minutes of the January 9, 2023 Council Meeting reviewed. Council Member Braaksma made a motion to approve the minutes. Council Member Stewart seconded the motion. Motion to approve the minutes passed with a vote of 5-0.
Jasper County Commissioner Jason Armold introduced himself.
The next RWCDC meeting will be at the Remington Depot at 6:00 p.m. February 14, 2023. The guest speaker will be Superintendent Culp.
The next Main Street meeting will be at the Depot next week.
POLICE – Marshal Schuetzenhofer reported:
Monthly report distributed to Council. A copy of said report is on file in the Clerk-Treasurer’s Office.
Informed Council of two (2) new policies the State of Indiana put into effect regarding training effective January 1, 2023. The Standard Operating Procedure Manual will need updating. He is working on obtaining a quote from Lexi-Poll.
The training hours required for a police officer will triple in 2024.
FIRE: Mark Jones reported on behalf of Mike Martin:
The January 2023 detailed fire report was presented to Council. A copy of said report is on file with the Office of Clerk-Treasurer.
Mandatory hazardous material training was completed in January.
Firemen physicals will start tomorrow at the fire department.
Council Member Schambach asked a question about obtaining reimbursement from other towns or agencies when called out of town. Mark Jones explained that those calls are covered by a mutual aid agreement and each department is responsible for their own costs when reporting to an out-of-town fire.
Joshua Longest reported there was a broken main at Cressy that has been repaired.
Mark Jones reported:
Wealing Brothers hauled sludge from the wastewater plant in January. He noted there will be additional sludge hauling.
Snow White Cleaning will be cleaning the lift station this week.
There is a possibility that biochemistry Purdue students may tour the water and wastewater plant.
TOWN MANAGER – Jonathan Cripe reported:
He has made email contact with the IHCDA Community Action Plan representative. They will have a telephonic discussion this week about utility bill assistance.
The ADA/Title IV Compliance Plan was sent in today.
Our next big project for the Town will be the ambulance building and it may not be grant eligible to the Town since that is a county-run program.
Contracts for the 2 areas of farm ground, the baseball and softball contracts, concession stand contract, and soccer contracts have all been sent out.
The Town applied for the Community Crossing Match Grant in January.
The blue prints for extending wastewater lines came back last week. Town Manager Cripe will be meeting with Jonathan Borgers of Wessler Engineering to develop a construction time line/plan.
FBI Buildings, Inc. has requested permission to tie into the Town’s sewage system. Discussion heard. Council Member Braaksma moved to approve FBI Building’s request to tie into the Town’s sewage system. Vice President Pampel seconded the motion. Motion passed with 4 ayes, 0 nays, 1 member abstained.
Ordinance 2023-02-06-001, an Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 2021-01-04-001 Of the Code of Ordinances of the Town of Remington, Indiana and Providing for Increased Rates for Trash and Refuse Collection read. Discussion heard. The town’s trash rate will increase to Sixteen Dollars ($16.00) per month through 2025. There will be a public hearing on said resolution on March 6, 2023, at 6:30 p.m. at the Remington Depot.
The preventative maintenance agreement from W. W. Williams for 2023 was presented. It is in the sum of Seven Thousand Fifty-nine Dollars ($7,059.00) and covers 9 town-owned generators. Council Member Schambach moved to approve the preventative maintenance agreement from W. W. Williams for 2023 in the sum of Seven Thousand Fifty-nine Dollars ($7,059.00). Council Member Braaksma seconded the motion. Motion passed with 5 ayes and 0 nays.
Town Manager Cripe has had a request to modify the Town’s golf cart ordinance to include ATVs. Discussion heard. No motion was made, no vote was taken.
Construction of the partition wall at the Service Building will start in two weeks.
A quote from Contour Construction too repair the shower and drain at the Service Building in the amount of One Thousand Six Hundred Fifty Dollars ($1,650.00) was presented. Discussion heard. Vice President Pampel moved to approve the quote to repair the shower and drain in the Service Building from Contour Construction in the amount of One Thousand Six Hundred Fifty Dollars ($1,650.00). Council Member Schambach seconded the motion. Motion passed with 5 ayes and 0 nays.
There needs to be additional work on the booster station project consisting of 2 isolation valves and electrical work totaling the sum of Forty-nine Thousand Seven Hundred Twenty Dollars Sixty Cents ($49,720.60). Town Manager Cripe has had conversation with White County and they agree to reimburse the Town of Remington for these expenses. Council Member Stewart moved to approve the additional work at the booster station in the sum of Forty-nine Thousand Seven Hundred Twenty Dollars Sixty Cents ($49,720.60). Vice President Pampel seconded the motion. Motion passed with 5 ayes and 0 nays.
Town Manager Cripe is working with OCRA to obtain approval to reapply for an income study regarding a utility master plan.
Change order requests for the town hall renovation presented were: Replace south entry door with new aluminum frame storefront door and sidelights, Eight Thousand Two Hundred Ninety-five Dollars ($8,295.00); Replace steps up to south stoop and cut off 12” on west side of stoop where ramp will tie in, Four Thousand Four Hundred Forty-one Dollars ($4,441.00); Replace section of west sidewalk where ramp was removed, Two Thousand Six Hundred Forty Dollars ($2,640.00); and replace existing wood soffit (west and north) with new LP smart siding, Four Thousand Seven Hundred Forty-nine Dollars ($4,749.00). It was noted if these change orders are granted, we will have Sixty-three Thousand Six Hundred Sixty-seven Dollars ($63,667.00) remaining in contingency. Council Member Braaksma moved to approve the change order requests previously stated. Council Member Stewart seconded the motion. Motion passed with 5 ayes and 0 nays.
The furniture package for town hall will hopefully be finalized next month.
TOWN ATTORNEY – Rebecca Goddard
She is working with the Town Manager on contract updates, and a small claims case has been filed on behalf of the Town for an outstanding utility bill. A payment plan has been entered into, but the small claims case will not be dismissed until the amount due is paid in full.
Pay Application #3 from Hamstra Builders for the Town Hall renovations presented. Vice President Pampel moved to approve Pay Application #3 in the amount of Sixty-seven Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($67,500.00). Council Member Stewart seconded the motion. Motion passed with 5 ayes and 0 nays.
Resolution 2023-02-06-002, a Resolution to Sell Motor Vehicle to Marion Township in the State of Indiana presented. No discussion heard. Council Member Braaksma moved to approve the sale of a 2009 Ford Tahoe K1500 LS with VIN as stated in the resolution to Marion Township for the sum of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00). Council Member Schambach seconded the motion. Motion passed with 5 ayes and 0 nays.
Clerk-Treasurer Budde presented Council with a list of warrants that are unpaid for a period of two (2) years. Council Member Stewart moved to cancel First Merchant Bank’s Warrant 20219 issued April 6, 2021 in the amount of Eight Hundred Eighty-seven Dollars Sixty-one Cents ($887.61). Council Member Braaksma seconded the motion. Motion granted with 5 ayes and 0 nays.
The January 2023 financial analysis statement and Fund Report were presented. Vice President Pampel moved to approve the January 2023 financial analysis statement. Council Member Stewart seconded the motion. Motion granted with 5 ayes and 0 nays.
Council Member Stewart made a motion to approve the claims as presented. Council Member Braaksma seconded the motion. Motion passed with 5 ayes and 0 nays.
Meeting adjourned at 7:15 p.m.